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10 Unique Gifts for Friends - Best Friend Gifts Ideas

10 Unique Gifts for Friends - Best Friend Gifts Ideas

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That someone who is always there for you in your good, bad and ugly, the friend who is the shoulder to cry on when you break your heart or who carries you home after a night out. A friend plays an essential role in your life—a companion, an adviser, and a pole of strength during times of need. With so many functions to play, a best friend plays a significant part in our lives. They are available 24/7—the one you can take on trips or the one available at your beck and call. A best friend is a guide who enlightens your life with his shining presence—the one who knows even your deepest and darkest secrets. When thinking about gift ideas for best friends, we need to remember the love and affection we share with them, along with the bond of friendship and love. The gift we select for them should spell excellence and speak words about our passion. Many best friend gifts idea and suggestions will be the perfect gift for best friend.

The best friend deserves the best gift, which will light up their day, make them feel wanted, and give you a big hug or a thump on your back. A gift that will make all the toil and troubles they went through worthy. Something that will make them glimpse back to those memories of you two spending time playing volleyball on the beach or days in school where you shared tiffins under the bench during classes. These gifts should speak volumes of your friendship; hence, when thinking about gift ideas for best friend, one must think about the most plausible gift for best friend. Though they don't share our blood, they know the in and out of our life. They deserve the best gift that money can buy. Something that they will be able to remember throughout their life. With so many options and variety in the market, it isn't easy to decide what gift to present to your best friend. Tring is here to save the day and help you decide on the best gift for best friend.

Tring India understands people's troubles when choosing gifts, especially for a friend. We bring a list of the best gifts to give your best friend to celebrate your friendship. This list consists of finely chosen and thoughtful gifts which are sure to win your best friend's heart and be the best gift for best friend, from designer clothes that will add taste to their bland style to their favourite film stars' personalised videos for the die-hard fan. It spells terrific gift ideas for best friend.

There is something for everyone, and it is budget-friendly. This list constitutes all the perfect gifts you can gift and which are a sure-shot way to demonstrate your love and appreciation for your best friend.  Please go through this list and understand what gifts to present to your best friend who will give him immense joy and satisfaction. The following list includes well-chosen and precisely selected presents that are the cream of the crop.

The Below-Listed Gifts are Excellent Gift Ideas for Best Friend


A Personalised Video Message

We all have that one favourite celebrity we adore and watch reruns of his movies. That celebrity holds a special place in our hearts, and we have sometimes spent hours trying to get into a club where they were dining or just saw one of their movies on Tv and thought to ourselves wish we could meet them in person. Your wish will be granted as India's leading celebrity platform Tring offers you a chance to meet and interact with your favourite celebrity or one of your choices. Tring India provides three services: a 5-minute video call, a DM on Instagram, or a personalised video messages service. With over 10,000 celebrities to choose from, you get many people to book a call with. We have celebrities ranging from the cast of TMKOC to Manoj Joshi, Sharman Joshi, and many others. It is a perfect gift that will be memorable and will fulfil their dormant childhood desire. Gift your best friend this and see how their face lights up as they interact with their favourite celebrity. It is among the best gift ideas for best friend.

Wine Glass

A wine glass is a perfect gift for your best friend who is always trying new wines or going to wine tastings around the country. These wine glasses are breakproof and come without a stem. Gift your best friend this and enjoy the weekends with them chilling on the balcony whilst drinking wine and watching your favourite movies together. It is among the best suggestions for gift ideas for best friend.

Wine Glass - gift for best friend

Stainless Steel Bottle 

We all have that friend who is an outdoor guy; he is always out on weekends, trekking across mountains or traversing the wild. Water is scarce during these outdoor trips, and we need to store water in bottles or containers. A stainless-steel bottle is a perfect answer for your water woes. Once stored, water remains cold and helps quench the thirsty soul. This excellent gift will protect the water from the elements and keep it cool and fresh. This is a beautiful gift ideas for best friend.

Stainless Steel Bottle - best gift for best friend

A Motivation Quote Book

In life, we face multiple obstacles that deplete our energy and clip away our motivation trickle by trickle. With so many troubles to put us down, we need daily motivation to blow through the challenges life throws at us. A book full of motivational quotes will help overpower the everyday woes and achieve total victory over the tides of troubles coming our way. A text full of motivational quotes is a good gift for best friend.

A Motivation Quote Book - best friend gifts

Dumbbells / Weights

With global health rates declining and people gaining love handles around their stomachs, Health has become a critical factor worldwide. The lifestyle we live today is only adding fuel to the fire. The running around the circuit is not enough, and we need to bite the bullet and buy Weights or dumbells to crunch the fat and gain solid muscle. Your best friend will forever be thankful to you for this gift, and with every stretch, they will remember you. This is a good gift for best friend.

Dumbbells / Weights - best friend gifts ideas

A Cookbook

Today people move from one place to another for work, education, or a better livelihood. Or your best friend can be a and loves tasting delicacies from around the globe. With a wide variety to choose from, your best friend can spend his evenings trying different dishes from around the world. A cookbook is an excellent gift for best friend, which they will highly appreciate.

 A Cookbook - gift ideas for best friend


Earphones are the perfect gift. One can use them when bored or if they want to watch a movie or listen to some tunes. Earphones come in various sizes, and the latest technology earphones are wire-free and connected to Bluetooth. With this gift, they can get plugged into their phones and listen to tunes soothing their hearts. Earphones are among one the best gift ideas for best friend.

Earphones - gift ideas for best friend

 A Kindle E-Book Device

Is your best friend a bookie? Do you always find a book inches from his face? A kindle eBook device is a perfect gift for your best friend. They can now enjoy reading books on the eBook device while travelling, in the office, or even sitting on the porcelain throne. Watch him grow into a budding book reader and amass excellent knowledge from the books he reads. This is a beautiful gift idea for best friend.

 A Kindle eBook device - gift for best friend

Kitchen Kit

Is your friend like to try new dishes and make new recipes? A Kitchen Kit containing all the essentials he will require is a good gift for him as he masters the cooking tricks. The next time you visit his home, you will be able to savour continental delicacies and have a blast. This gift is a good suggestion for best friend gifts.

Kitchen Kit - best gift for best friend


A Kimono is a Japanese dress worn at home or should be worn for a party or an evening with friends. Comfortable clothing allows easy movement and gives the wearer an elegant and classy look. Enjoy the feel of living in Japan while living in India by donning this dress and having a Kamino party to enjoy oriental food from the land of the rising sun. This gift might even start a trend in India and is a superb suggestion for best friend gift ideas.

Kimono - best friend gifts

Best friends play an essential role in our lives and are our guiding light during times of need. The best friend is someone whom we can wholeheartedly trust. This friendship is greater than the bond of blood we share with our relatives. The gift we give them should be able to resonate with them and make them feel loved and appreciated. The facility should tell them that we love and trust them and genuinely love the work and trouble they take to ensure our well-being. The above list of skills will give you a good idea of what to choose for your best friend and which gift will suit him perfectly. The best gift for best friend is one that will make her smile.

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