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150 + Happy Propose Day Wishes, Quotes, and Messages for Everyone

150 + Happy Propose Day Wishes, Quotes, and Messages for Everyone

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Happy Propose Day My Love!

Surrounded by the charm of the Valentine's week is a day of grandeur - Propose Day. This day provides the perfect atmosphere for lovebirds to take that crucial leap and express their feelings towards each other, while for others, it serves as an opportunity to refresh their vows and reassurances of affection. On Propose Day, words hold the key to unexpressed feelings and unspoken promises. Presenting a cherished moment to reveal heartfelt confessions, these words guide you in navigating the path to your loved one's heart.

Sharing propose day wishes, messages, and quotes can be a soothing yet thrilling way to convey your deepest emotions. It's a golden chance to dress your feelings in the attire of exquisite words, well-wishing, and meaningful quotes. The profoundness of these messages plays a crucial role in adding the right amount of emotion and gravity to your proposal.

But remember, it's not just about expressing romantic love. Propose Day is also about expressing feelings of love and gratitude to friends and family and strengthening the bonds you share with them. It's about celebrating all kinds of love - reminding your dear ones how much you value their presence in your life. Whether it's a romantically poetic wish for your significant other or a heartwarming message of gratitude for a cherished friend, the essence of Propose Day resonates with the emotions of love and affection that bind us all together.

So, on this special occasion of Propose Day, let the power of words bridge the emotions between hearts. Dive into our curated selection of propose day wishes, messages, and quotes that can warmly express your genuine emotions, leaving an unforgettable imprint on the hearts of your loved ones. Because, after all, everything feels a little extra special when it's bathed in the magic of heartfelt words.

Propose Day Wishes

  1. "On this special day, I want to say: grow old with me, the best is yet to be. Will you spend the rest of your life with me?"

  2. "With no special dreams in my eyes, I just want to say – I care, whenever you need me, I'll always be there."

  3. "My heart longs for you; my soul dies for you. Love me now, for I may never let you go."

  4. "Today, on Propose Day, I want to open my heart and express how much I love you. Will you be mine?"

  5. "I find myself lost in love with you. No amount of distance can ever change my love for you."

  6. "Within you, I lose myself, and without you, I find myself wanting to be lost again. Be mine forever."

  7. "I can't think of my world without you. Will you be with me forever?"

  8. "Happy Propose Day, my love. Let's write our love story together in the book of life."

  9. "I love you for not what you are, but for what I become when I am with you. Will you be with me forever?"

  10. "I never saw so sweet a face as that I stood before today. I long for your love; will you be mine?"

  11. "Grow old along with me. The best is yet to be; will you spend the rest of life with me?"

  12. "Happy Propose Day! I promise to be by your side forever and always."

  13. "I propose to fight against the odds, to accept you with your flaws, and love you until eternity."

  14. "I am opening an emotional bank account for you, love. So deposit your love in it, and you will get the interest."

  15. "I wish I were one of your tears, so I could be born in your eye, run down your cheek, and die on your lips."

  16. "All I wanted was someone to care for me, all I wanted was someone who'd be there for me. All I ever wanted was someone who would be true, and all I ever wanted was someone like you."

  17. "My love for you has no end, and I will keep on loving you until my last breath. Will you be mine?"

  18. "I wish to live in your eyes, die in your arms, and be buried in your heart."

  19. "In you, I have found the one I was looking for. My heart now desires to propose you, will you be mine?"

  20. "True love cannot be found where it does not truly exist, nor can it be hidden where it truly does. I truly love you and want you forever."

Propose Day Messages

  1. "This Propose Day, I want to say, you’re the rainbow in my cloudy sky. Will you be mine forever?"

  2. "You’re the peace in my chaotic life. Will you continue to light up my life with your love?"

  3. "On this Propose Day, I just want to say, you complete me. You make my life beautiful. Will you always stay with me?"

  4. "From the day we met, I knew we were meant to be. Will you make me the happiest by accepting my proposal?"

  5. "Life is about all the roads we take, some smooth, some rough. Will you travel with me no matter what road we travel?"

  6. "My life's biggest security is not just loving you, but knowing that you will always be there to love me back. Will you stand with me?"

  7. "Today, on Propose Day, I promise to make your life full of happiness. Will you walk with me through this journey?"

  8. "Propose Day brings a chance to say. Would you be with me, come sun or rain?"

  9. "Happy Propose Day! My love for you is strong and bright. Let's always live our lives in love's beautiful light."

  10. "Let's grow old together, in love and affection. Will you accept my proposal this Propose Day?"

  11. "I promise to cherish every moment we share. On this Propose Day, would you accept my love?"

  12. "Together we will conquer all odds and create a world of our own. Can I walk that path with you?"

  13. "With every heartbeat, my love for you grows. Will you be the rhythm to my heart's beats?"

  14. "If life is a journey, then would you like to be my travel partner?"

  15. "I want to savor the moment when I asked you to be mine forever. It's Propose Day, would you be my love?"

  16. "This Propose Day, I am holding my heart in my hands, for you. Will you take it?"

  17. "Here’s my love for you, forever and always. Will you accept it this Propose Day?"

  18. "No words are strong enough to express my love for you. But on this Propose Day, I ask, will you be my love?"

  19. "You are brighter than the stars, and more beautiful than the moon. Would you light up my life?"

  20. "May the journey of our life be filled with laughter and love. Can we walk this path together?"

Proposal Lines

  1. "Will you be the one I grow old with, the joy in my laughter, the dream in my sleep?"

  2. "Can we navigate the path of life together and turn our dreams into reality?"

  3. "Our souls are already intertwined, will you make our lives intertwined too?"

  4. "I love you more than words can describe, will you make me the happiest person alive?"

  5. "I promise to love you until the end of my days, will you spend the rest of your life with me?"

  6. "Will you give me the pleasure of being the one who gets to erase your sorrows and multiply your happiness?"

  7. "Life with you is a beautiful dream, will you fulfill this dream with me?"

  8. "From the moment I met you, my life changed for the better. Will you be a part of this change forever?"

  9. "I know it in my heart, you're the missing piece of my life's puzzle. Will you fit right in?"

  10. "Every moment spent with you feels surreal. Will you make this reality my forever?"

  11. "I can't imagine my life without you. Will you make this dream a reality?"

  12. "Will you be mine, not just in my dreams, but in reality too?"

  13. "You're my sunshine in the darkest days, my hope during despair. Will you be my sunshine forever?"

  14. "Will you be the melody of my life's song, and the rhythm of my heart's beat?"

  15. "Can I promise to be with you forever and ask you to be mine forever too?"

  16. "You are my happily-ever-after, my tale of forever. Will you be my fairy-tale?"

  17. "Will you be the anchor in my life, the one who keeps me grounded yet allows me to fly?"

  18. "You fill my life with colors and brightness, will you be my rainbow?"

  19. "You stole my heart but I'll let you keep it, will you allow me to steal yours too?"

  20. "My heart beats for you and only you. Will you listen to its rhythm and be mine forever?"

Funny Propose Day Wishes

  1. "Will you be the cheese to my pizza? Life without you is like a pizza without cheese, bland and boring!"

  2. "Can you lend me a kiss? I promise I will give it back."

  3. "On this Propose Day, will you be my partner in eating, sleeping, binge-watching, and repeating?"

  4. "You and I - on this Propose Day, I let you in on a secret. We are like peanut butter and jelly, one is incomplete without the other!"

  5. "Do you have a map? I keep getting lost in your eyes."

  6. "For you, I might be just one person, but for me, you're the universe. Will you be my space odyssey?"

  7. "Is it hot in here, or did you just melt my heart?"

  8. "Take this as a warning, if we were an equation, you’d need BODMAS to solve us!"

  9. "Will you accompany me in the journey from Netflix and chill to Amazon Prime and commitment?"

  10. "They say Disneyland is the happiest place on earth. Apparently, they haven't been in my arms yet."

  11. "You remind me of my next girlfriend. Would you consider promoting yourself to the position?"

  12. "Will you share my joy of lazing on the couch and swiping on the phone for hours?"

  13. "Before I met you, I was incomplete. Now, I am finished."

  14. "Will you be my permanent excuse to avoid all other social gatherings?"

  15. "Happiness starts with H, but for me, it starts with U."

  16. "Do you believe in fate? Because I think we've just made a 'date'."

  17. "If you have a sweet tooth, say yass, and I'll be your dentist for life."

  18. "They say love is friendship set on fire. Let's spark a fire on this Propose Day!"

  19. "How about making this Propose Day the ‘steal your hoodies’ day?"

  20. "As my better half, you’d have half my love, half my attention but all my food. Deal?"

Propose Day Quotes

  1. "When you love someone, all your saved-up wishes start coming out." - Elizabeth Bowen

  2. "Love is not just looking at each other, it's looking in the same direction." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

  3. "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved." - Victor Hugo

  4. "The course of true love never did run smooth." - William Shakespeare

  5. "Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope." - Maya Angelou

  6. "Our love story is beautiful, and it begins with your 'yes'".

  7. "Love isn't something you find. Love is something that finds you." - Loretta Young

  8. "Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be." - Robert Browning

  9. "Will you promise to never forget that this is a once-in-a-lifetime love?"

  10. "To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides." - David Viscott

  11. "Loving you never was an option – it was a necessity." - Truth Devour

  12. "Love is not finding someone to live with. It's finding someone you can't live without." - Rafael Ortiz

  13. "I choose you. And I'll choose you over and over and over. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I'll keep choosing you." - Unknown

  14. "Your love is all I need to feel complete."

  15. "For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul." - Judy Garland

  16. "I don’t want to be your favorite or your best. I want to be your only and forget the rest."

  17. "My feelings for you are real. As real as the sun, the moon, the stars, and this world."

  18. "In your eyes, a thousand stars glow tonight, in your heart a thousand heartbeats. But in me, one endless love just because I thought of you."

  19. "Any day spent with you is my favorite day. So, today is my new favorite day." - A.A. Milne

  20. "The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you." - Rumi

Propose Day Captions

  1. "Two souls but with a single thought, two hearts that beat as one." - John Keats

  2. "There's nothing I wouldn't do to make you mine forever."

  3. "She said 'yes', and the adventure begins!"

  4. "It's just one word that's in between me and happiness: it’s 'YES'."

  5. "True love is about growing as a couple, learning about each other, and never giving up on each other."

  6. "On this special day, bestow upon me the power of your love."

  7. "Will you hold my hand through thick and thin?"

  8. "Forever is a long time. But, I wouldn’t mind spending it by your side."

  9. "I promise to love you with every beat of my heart. Will you be mine?"

  10. "Life is a book; our love story is my favorite chapter."

  11. "Luv is not something you say and it happens. It's a feeling that is felt deep in the heart and I feel it for you."

  12. "All I wanted was someone to care for me; All I wanted was someone who'd be there for me. Is it you?"

  13. "Ready to exchange my heart for yours."

  14. "I can win the world with my hand, only if you promise to hold my other hand for a lifetime."

  15. "Because being together is enough, I proposed and she said YES."

  16. "I have fallen in love many times, always with you. Be mine!"

  17. "The most magical moments are those when you forget yourself in the joy of someone’s presence."

  18. "Just the thought of growing old with you brings a smile to my face."

  19. "Marry me and make every single moment of my life an unforgettable one."

  20. "Love is seeing life through someone else’s eyes. Can I see it through yours?"

Propose Day Greeting Card Messages

  1. "To the one who makes my heart beat faster and my life brighter, may this Propose Day be the starting point of our beautiful journey together."

  2. "Happy Propose Day! In the symphony of life, I want to be the perfect note that completes our harmony. Let's create music together!"

  3. "Love is a promise, love is a souvenir. On this Propose Day, let's make a promise to love each other, now and forever."

  4. "Every moment spent with you feels like a dream come true. This Propose Day, let's pledge to make our dreams a reality, together."

  5. "Happy Propose Day! Thank you for being the one who fills my life with happiness and joy. Here's to a future filled with love, laughter, and togetherness."

  6. "On this Propose Day, I want to confess my love for you. You're the universe to me, and I can't imagine my life without your warm embrace."

  7. "May this Propose Day mark the beginning of a new chapter in our love story, filled with passion, love, and adventure."

  8. "As we celebrate Propose Day, I want to hold your hand and walk through the journey of life, making memories and cherishing every moment."

  9. "There's no one else I'd rather spend my life with. Together, we make the most incredible team. Happy Propose Day!"

  10. "I've searched high and low, but my heart always leads me back to you. Let this Propose Day seal our love story with a lifetime of memories."

  11. "On this special day, I want to ask if you would be my guiding star, shining brightly in my sky and leading me through life's journey."

  12. "Lifetime is not enough to express my love for you. Happy Propose Day, my love! Let's make a promise to be together eternally."

  13. "You're my sunshine on cloudy days and my shelter in life's storms. On this Propose Day, let's create a love that will withstand the test of time."

  14. "Happy Propose Day! Just like the sun and the moon take turns lighting up the sky; let's take turns lighting up each other's lives."

  15. "My love for you is deeper than the ocean, higher than the sky, and brighter than the stars. This Propose Day, let's embark on a love journey with no end."

  16. "You've turned my world upside down, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Wishing you a Happy Propose Day, the love of my life!"

  17. "Happy Propose Day! Your love has a way of making every day feel extraordinary, and I wish to be a part of your life forever."

  18. "You fill my heart with happiness and make my world complete. On this wonderful Propose Day, I present to you all my love and care."

  19. "May this Propose Day become the canvas on which we paint our dreams and aspirations, hand in hand, as we sail through life together."

  20. "On this Propose Day, let's be each other's sunshine, hope, and happiness. Together, our love will bloom brighter than the most beautiful flower."

Propose Day Wishes For Boyfriend

Propose Day Wishes For Boyfriend
  1. The worlds luckiest girl is me, thanks to you. All I have to live for is your love. Happy day of the proposal, my sweet partner!  

  2. Happy proposal day, my sweetheart. Will you be my Husbands honour?

  3. Baby, I appreciate your unwavering love and defence of me. I want to spend with rest of my days with them.

  4. Since I met you, my days have been filled with laughter, and my evenings are filled with pleasant dreams. Never again do I want to lose you. Please stay at my side forever.

  5. You are what completes me. Whenever I hold your hands, give you a strong embrace, or kiss you, I feel special. Could you be mine?

  6. I made the best life choice when I said "YES" to you. Because you are the centre of all my beautiful dreams, I dont want to live without you!

  7. Having you around is like being in a romance movie where everything is so colourful and every moment is filled with love. Cheers to proposals!

  8. On the eve of joyful proposal day, lets affirm our commitment to one another by saying "yes" to each other. Will you stay by my side for the rest of my life, my love?

  9. You are merely someone I desired to have as my own. Im asking you again: Will you be mine?

  10. The most excellent part of our lives may be spending our later years together. Lets put it into action. Ill grab your hand and lead you to unending love!

  11. To apprehend you and keep you under my control permanently, I allowed you to steal my heart. Happy day to propose, my charming lover!

  12. I would never have known that getting old with you would be such fun if you hadnt proposed to me. I adore you. Cheers to proposals!

  13. Thank you for walking with me on all of my travels and roads. Cheers to proposals! The ideal boyfriend ever is you!

  14. Will you be my savour for the rest of my life, the finest boyfriend in the world?

  15. Can you make me smile forever just the way you do it now?

  16. Want to irritate you forever, May I?

  17. Im starting to love you and would love to love you forever.

  18. Want to change Miss to Mrs Will you?

  19. Want to call you my Husband? Can you change that?

  20. You were terrific as a Friend. Lets add Boy to it. Will you be my boyfriend?

  21. I am bored with my surname. Can I borrow yours forever?

Propose Day Wishes for Husband

Propose Day Wishes for Husband
  1. Every day, my love for you will become more and more intense. Happy day to propose, my love.

  2. I would love to get down on one knee and make a romantic proposal to you from the bottom of my heart. I adore you a thousand times over, and I would do anything to keep you.

  3. I forget my pain and anguish when you squeeze me in your arms. For the final day of my life, I want to stand by your side. Happy proposal day, sweetheart.

  4. Happy proposal day, my sweetheart. Ill keep popping the question to you on this day every year since you are so dashing.

  5. My sole wish for today is to spend my entire life with you. Happy proposal day to the hubs!

  6. You are the one who brings my life and me to completion. I hope youre always there to complete me with your love on Propose Day.

  7. Propose day will always have a special place in my heart because it was on this day that I received the most romantic proposal of my life. My beloved spouse, best wishes on this special day.

  8. I am very lucky you are in my life since you are not only my husband but also my soulmate. Im wishing my devoted husband a very happy Propose Day.

  9. Feeling safe and protected in your embrace makes me a happy soul. Id want to wish the worlds greatest hubby a very Happy Propose Day.

  10. You are the source of my delight, so I ask God to increase your joy and smiles forever. Greetings on Propose Day.

  11. May we always be happy and contented pair? May our affection for one another inspire others. Regards on Propose Day.

  12. Today, I pledge that I will always strive to improve with age because it is the one unique gift I can give to you. Greetings on Propose Day.

  13. Your beauty has the power to make my eyes sparkle, and your smile has the capacity to melt my heart." Nothing else but your magic, my angel. Wishing you a very Happy Propose Day.

  14. I have no room for tragedies in my life because of how much love and affection you have brought into it. Id want to wish my spouse a nice and happy proposal day.

  15. To the guy who knows how to always make his wife feel loved and special. My dear, best wishes to you on Propose Day.

  16. Will always be grateful to you for proposing to me and winning my heart; it is the best thing you have ever done. Greetings on Propose Day.

  17. From acquaintances to lovers and from romantic correspondence to a lovely proposal for life. Thanks for everything and for making me your wife. Happy Propose Day, sweetheart.

  18. I dont need to worry about the rest of the world when you are here. I find calm in your embrace, and your heart is where I belong. Your laughter makes me laugh, and your tears make my eyes water. I adore and live for you because of you. Will be like this till my last breath.

  19. We dispute, we agree, we love, and we live; it is our life, and there is no place for being alone. We fight, and we make up. I want to open up to you about my entire life and all my feelings. I cherish you. Can we be the same forever?

  20. Will you marry me all over again?

  21. Want to be both your favourite greeting and the hardest farewell?

Propose Day Wishes For Girlfriend

Propose Day Wishes For Girlfriend
  1. I appreciate you always being there! I am absolutely nothing without you. Will you always be by my side?

  2. I can tell from my lifes history that asking for your hand was the best choice Ive ever made. Happy proposal day to you!

  3. Please accept my unending love on this important day and know that you are the reason I am alive and breathing! Cheers to proposals!

  4. Baby, you are what completes me. I want to hold your hand forever because I love you so much.

  5. I want to express how important you are to me on this great occasion of propose day. I value the entire period we were together remarkably. We should stay together forever.

  6. Make a pact today that we will deal with everything that comes our way as a team. Give me your sword, and Ill give you my shield. Cheers to proposals!

  7. The best thing I ever did was fall in love with you, and now I want to be with you forever.

  8. My lovely girlfriend, Im grateful you entered my life and made it so enjoyable. I now find it impossible to imagine my existence without you. Will you commit to me for the rest of your life?

  9. I would like to express how important you are to me on this great occasion of propose day. I value the entire period of time we were together remarkably. We should stay together forever.

  10. Make a pact today that we will deal with everything that comes our way as a team. Give me your sword, and Ill give you my shield. Cheers to proposals!

  11. The best thing I ever did was fall in love with you, and now I want to be with you forever.

  12. My lovely girlfriend, Im grateful you entered my life and made it enjoyable. I now find it impossible to imagine my existence without you. Will you commit to me for the rest of your life?

  13. I cant let you go because you mean the world to me. Im re-proposing you to be my girl on this special day. Baby, I love you.

  14. All I want is to spend every moment of my life with you and to feel your presence. Do you want to be my girl?

  15. I discovered love when I met you. Your eyes showed me the genuine hues of life, and I dont ever want to let you go. I adore you.

  16. I cant let you go because you mean the world to me. Im re-proposing you to be my girl on this special day. Baby, I love you.

  17. All I want is to spend every moment of my life with you and to feel your presence. Do you want to be my girl?

  18. I discovered love when I met you. Your eyes showed me the genuine hues of life, and I dont ever want to let you go. I adore you.

  19. You ignited a fire in my soul and a mental storm in me. Now, the only person who can end my pain is you! Be mine always!

  20. In my heart, I sense a bond with you. Lets stay connected for the rest of our lives. Happy Propose Day, my lovely!

  21. I want to share my feelings with you on this special day. Baby, will you accept my love?

Propose Day Wishes for Wife

Propose Day Wishes for Wife
  1. Youll never know when love will come your way. But when it does, youll realise it right away!  

  2. There is no better offer I can make than to say that I am the best person you will ever discover since love is passionate and blind.

  3. I swear that I will always hold your hand throughout my entire life. Love, Happy Propose Day!

  4. I only want to express my concern for you and my commitment to making you feel my profound love without having any particular goals in mind. Happy Propose Day, my sweetheart!

  5. You are the fulfilment of my prayer, my wish come true, and my dream come true. Will you propose to me again?

  6. My appreciation for the life that God has given me has improved because of your affection. Sweetheart, happy proposal day!

  7. Till the end of time, until the ocean runs dry, until the stars in the sky glitter, until fairies live high in the sky. Ill continue to love you. Propose day is here, sweetie!

  8. You are my pillar of support. You are my lifes love. Youre the one that made my life more exciting. On Propose Day, will you accept me forever?

  9. My love, my life, and my passion. I would be without life without you. Lets make a commitment to never part ways. Propose day is here!

  10. God sent you just when I was learning the actual purpose of my life. I then understood where I genuinely belonged! Cheers to proposals!

  11. All I wanted was someone who would take good care of me, be there for me constantly, and never tell the truth. And look! I found you! Cheers to proposals!

  12. The most substantial feelings are the hardest to put into words. You are mine forever if you just gaze deeply into my eyes.

  13. Being loved by someone is the best sensation in the world since love is the purest form of emotion. Propose day is here!

  14. I want to be with you today, tomorrow, and forever. I cherish you. Dear, Happy Propose Day!

  15. Just know that you are a princess in my heart, and I adore you. I want to stay at your side forever. Cheers to proposals!

  16. You are like the soothing sun. You resemble delicious sugar. Never alter because I adore you just as you are. Enjoy your proposal day!

  17. Would I love to be in your company forever? My wifey

  18. Happy Propose Day, My wife.

  19. Be the sunshine or the darkness, and I promise you to stay forever. Happy Propose Day.

  20. Will you be mine for seven Jaman?

  21. I am in love with you even after two years of marriage. Will you stay forever? Happy Propose Day.
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What's the most romantic way to propose?
How do you tell someone you love them on Valentine's day?
How do I propose to partner on Propose Day?
What are Propose Day quotes?
What is the simplest proposal?
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