Behen Hogi Teri
![clock black]()
Movie Star
TV Star
Prime Time
Frequently Asked Questions
Behen Hogi Teri is a very popular Hindi movie
Behen Hogi Teri Shoot location is Lucknow
The release date of the movie Behen Hogi Teri is 9 June 2017
Behen Hogi Teri casts include Rajkumar Rao, Shruti Hassan, Gautam Gulati, Darshan Jariwala, Gulshan Grover
Ajay K Pannalal directed Behen Hogi Teri
Yes. You can watch Behen Hogi Teri online on Zee 5
The character name of Rajkumar Rao in Behen Hogi Teri is Gattu.
The character name of Shruti Hassan in Behen Hogi Teri is Binny Arora
The character name of Gautam Gulati in Behen Hogi Teri is Rahul.
The character name of Darshan Jariwala in Behen Hogi Teri is Hemchander Nautiyal
The character name of Gulshan Grover in Behen Hogi Teri is Dhappi Pehalwaan.
Behen Hogi Teri is 2 hours and 8 minutes long.
Behen Hogi Teri released in the year 2017
The real name of Gattu Behen Hogi Teri is Rajkumar Rao.
Behen Hogi Teri Binny real name is Shruti Hassan
No. Behen Hogi Teri is not a new series. It was released in the year 2017
Other movies like Behen Hogi Teri are Pagglait and Mimi.
There is no official Instagram ID of Behen Hogi Teri.