G The Film
![clock black]()
Movie Star
TV Star
Prime Time
Frequently Asked Questions
G the Film is a very popular Gujarati movie
The release date of the movie G the Film is 3 January 2020
G the Film casts include Anveshi Jain, Chirag Jani, Ramteke Jayesh, Abhimanyu Singh, Aakash Zala
Mahendra Patel directed G the Film
Yes. You can watch G the Film online on Jio Cinema
The character name of Anveshi Jain in G the Film is Vidhya.
The character name of Abhimanyu Singh in G the Film is Gajraj
The character name of Chirag Jani in G the Film is ACP Samrat.
The character name of Ramteke Jayesh in G the Film is PI Shinde
The character name of Aakash Zala in G the Film is Aghor.
G the Film is 2 hours long.
G the Film released in the year 2020
The real name of Gajraj G the Film is Abhimanyu Singh.
G the Film Vidhya real name is Anveshi Jain
No. G the Film is not a new movie. It was released in the year 2020
Other movies like G the Film are R Rajkumar and Force
There is no official Instagram ID of G the Film.