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Did you know? You can now book a personalised video message from your favourite characters of your loved athlete Marathoner! Keep reading to know more about Marathoner cast, Marathoner OTT, watch Marathoner online, Marathoner Instagram, Marathoner updates and more. 

A marathoner is someone who takes part in marathons which is a long-distance foot race that typically takes place on roads but can also be completed on trail routes. Its distance is 42.195 kilometers (26 miles 385 yards). You can run the marathon or use a run/walk method to finish it.

In 1896, the marathon was one of the first modern Olympic competitions. Before 1921, the distance was not standardized. The 1983-starting World Athletics Championships also feature distance. It is the sole running road race that is a part of both championship events.

Gopi Thonakal, Avinash Sable, Lalita Babar, Sudha Singh, Simran Khosla, etc. are some of the famous marathoners in India.

At the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, California, the women's marathon was first presented. Joan Benoit of the United States won it in a time of 2 hours, 24 minutes, and 52 seconds.

Around the world, more than 800 marathons are held each year. A few marathons span national and international boundaries. The only marathon where runners cross two continents (Europe and Asia) in a single race is the Istanbul Marathon.

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Frequently Asked Questions

A marathoner is someone who takes part in marathons which is a long-distance foot race called Marathons.
42.195 kilometers (26 miles 385 yards)
Gopi Thonakal, Avinash Sable, Lalita Babar, Sudha Singh, Simran Khosla, etc. are some of the famous marathoners in India.
The women’s marathons were first presented in the summer Olympics in 1984.
The Istanbul Marathon crosses two continents namely Europe and Asia.
The different types of Marathons are 10k, Half marathon, Ultramarathon, Stage races, etc.
The official Instagram ID of Marathoner Gopi Thonakal is @gopithonakal_4774

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