Tum Bin
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Movie Star
TV Star
Prime Time
Frequently Asked Questions
Tum Bin is a very popular Hindi movie
Tum Bin Shoot location is Calgary, Canada and Mumbai
The release date of the movie Tum Bin is 13 July 2001
Tum Bin casts include Priyanshu Chatterjee, Sandali Sinha, Himanshu Malik, Vikram Gokhale, Amrita Prakash
Anubhav Sinha directed Tum Bin
Yes. You can watch Tum Bin online on Hotstar for free
The character name of Priyanshu Chatterjee in Tum Bin is Shekhar Malhotra.
The character name of Sandali Sinha in Tum Bin is Piya Verma
The character name of Himanshu Malik in Tum Bin is Abhigyan
The character name of Vikram Gokhale in Tum Bin is Girdhari Shah
The character name of Amrita Prakash in Tum Bin is Milli Singh.
Tum Bin is 2 hours and 38 minutes long.
Tum Bin released in the year 2001
The real name of Shekhar Tum Bin is Priyanshu Chatterjee.
Tum Bin Piya real name is Sandali Sinha
No. Tum Bin is not a new movie. It was released in the year 2001
Other movies like Tum Bin are Tum Bin 2 and Kyon Ki….
There is no official Instagram ID of Tum Bin.