Bas Ek Chance
![clock black]()
Movie Star
TV Star
Prime Time
Frequently Asked Questions
Bas Ek Chance is a very popular Gujarati movie.
Bas Ek Chance Shoot location is Vadodara.
The release date of the movie Bas Ek Chance is the 25th of September 2015.
Bas Ek Chance casts include Rajeev Mehta, Falguni Dave, Aditya Kapadia, Bhakti Kubavat, Mushtaq Khan, Hemang Dave, Alpesh Dhakan, Rahul Raval, Mitra Gadhvi, etc.
The director of Bas Ek Chance is Kirtan Patel.
Yes. You can watch Bas Ek Chance online on Jio Cinema.
The character name of Rajeev Mehta in Bas Ek Chance is Bachubhai Patel.
The character name of Falguni Dave in Bas Ek Chance is Jaguben Patel.
The character name of Aditya Kapadia in Bas Ek Chance is Brijesh Patel.
The character name of Bhakti Kubavat in Bas Ek Chance is Neha.
The character name of Mushtaq Khan in Bas Ek Chance is Nareshji.
The runtime of the movie Bas Ek Chance is 2 hours and 32 minutes.
The real name of Vikram Bas Ek Chance is Hemang Dave.
Bas Ek Chance Manu real name is Alpesh Dhakan.
No. Bas Ek Chance is not a new movie. It was released in the year 2015.
Other movies like Bas Ek Chance are Thai Jahse and Kevi Rite Jaish.
There is no official Instagram ID of Bas Ek Chance.